Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Psychosocial Rehabilitation (“PSR”) services are designed to help individuals manage and thrive independently and to improve their relationships with family, fellow workers and partners.

PSR is a skill-building and educational service that focuses on restoring and developing a personal skill set.
Through education and coaching, PSR enables clients to thrive in the home, school or work and community environment. While individual therapy’s target is education and processing that occurs in a one-hour weekly session, PSR is more than one hour per week. It is designed so that the learner can practice the skills being learned in real world situations at home as well as in the community. PSR specialists will work in the individual’s desired environment when appropriate and will involve a multi-disciplinary approach to managing their mental health symptoms and stressors.

PSR Services Can Help
Alleviate symptoms and distress
Develop individual skills
Support to improve functioning
Promote personal safety
Support equal opportunities for community integration
What Skills Can I Learn In PSR?
Independent Living Skills
Maintaining Living Environment
Money Management/Budgeting
Food Planning and Preparation
Obtaining Transportation
Wellness Management (nutrition and health)
Managing daily living tasks
Personal Hygiene
Organization Skills
Decision Making Skills
Vocational Skills
Employment Assistance, Job Development
Work Readiness
Applying for College, Scholarships
Staying In School
Social Skills
Developing healthy and supportive social relationships
Participating within the community for life skills
Appropriate use of community services
Social Skills Training
Wellness/Health Management Skills
Understanding medications
Building medication management habits
Understanding diagnoses and mental health
Witness practices

We actively seek feedback from clients and their family members so we can continue to provide clinically superior care in a safe, supportive, and structured environment where each person will be treated with kindness, dignity, and respect.
Our clients represent the multicultural/multilingual fabric of our community and constitute the majority of our total clients.